Well, I've had a rather productive weekend.
That's unique since the last two (three?) weekends have been spent away from Sangju and certainly not doing much productively at home.
I went shopping, three times I think, and finally managed to get everything I had on my list after visiting several stores. I now have those Korean staples of dried seaweed, rice, and onions. No tofu. I have enough estrogen in my body. Bought fruits and veggies. Have yet to wash the apples, but I don't think that small amount of laziness will damage me in the long run. I can wash the apple before I eat it.
Finally began to use my
Brita filter. Boiled the water first, then filtered it. I've spoken to a few people (mainly guys) who have drank (drunken?) the water in S.Korea to no ill effects but my coteacher S suggested boiling it first. So, boiling water may become part of my daily routine. However, I will say that if I am super thirsty I'm not above just filtering and drinking. A little stomach bacteria now and again is good for you. (-;
I had the hardest time finding just one onion for sale. Even at the market they wanted to sell me a whole bowl of onions. The conversation went like this "[Korean]hello" "[Korean]welcome, want anything?" "[Korean]this, one." "[Korean]4,000 won" "No no, just one onion, not the whole bowl." "[Korean] you get the whole bowl." "sigh" "[Korean]3,500 won" "but I don't want the whole bowl, I want just one" "Do you want the bowl in a bag?" "sigh. thank you. no. bye." Finally someone suggested Home Mart and I was able to buy two small onions for something like 170 won (or 17 cents).
The truly difficult thing to find was hangers.
Now I just need to get myself an air purifier so I can actually BREATHE.
Ah, yes, I also bought plants. I now have a pot of tiny tomatoes, a pot of something green, a slightly bigger though still small pot of a vine, and a medium pot of another vine. Oh, and an empty pot and lettuce seeds. I need to get dirt. Real dirt, not the sand outside. If I'm growing my own lettuce for eating it's darn well going to be with real dirt.
One thing I didn't buy was trash bags. I probably should have, but by the time all that shopping was done I just wanted to go home.
Speaking of home; I cleaned. I mean, I really cleaned. Three weeks I haven't cleaned and at least 5 since I really scoured the place. I used the swiffer (several times) to get all the dust and dirt out cleaned the bathroom. Cleaned the door handles, washed and dried the clothes, cleaned the counter tops and the cabinets, and dusted the tv and the ledges and the sills. My apartment looks like a proper apartment now. One owned by someone who likes veggies, plants, green, and books. Which is perfect because that is exactly what I like.
I also think I've finally discovered a system in which I can keep the dirt from outside from coming in AND avoid my socks being contaminated. However, it may require me buying another mat.
I am also contemplating getting either a scarf or a baseball cap, whichever costs less at some point as it is getting very very hot.
A mosquito net has been suggested by one Korean and rejected by another. Perhaps the one didn't understand what I meant. Not that I'm adverse to a mosquito net, I just don't want a canopy unless I need one. I'm more of a "green girl" than a "girly girl." ...If that makes any sense.
Ah, yes, and I bought beef (and failed to boil some eggs, but I did boil some potatoes). Not organic. They don't put the prices on the beef at the organic place but 6 apples are 9,000 won. I don't think I can afford the beef.
Tomorrow should be interesting.