I'm trying to train the dog some more. He has words and hand motions for sit, lay, and up. And, he knows come and stay though whether or not he follows them is still iffy. If I have something he really wants he'll obey, if I have something he's dying for he's not so cooperative. I'm trying to teach him to shake hands and trying to reinforce some other words that I know he knows. It doesn't help that I'm the only one who trains him but my family seems to be under the impression that dogs understand synonims. Which probably just leads to the poor dog being yelled at and then my family giving up and then I have to practically retrain
They can't grow a garden either.
Presently my sister's devil-cat is staring at my computer and wondering if he walked across it, getting fur all in the gears and...obviously he saw me glaring at him because he's decided to go glare out the front door.
When I say devil-cat what I really mean is hell-spawned-minny-fluffball-devil, aka. The Fluffy Thing. His habbits include shedding on everything, sleeping on people's clothing (see exhibit A) being ugly, rubbing his cold wet nose on my elbow, waking me up with his cold wet nose on my face, howling at my door in the middle of the night, howling next to our heads should we be so unlucky as to leave the door open, and jumping on the stomachs/feet of sleeping humans.
My mother's cat (formerly my sister's cat and once-upon-a-time actually named "baby cat") is 14 and so he's probably sleeping somwhere, probably my parents' bed, or the bed I sleep in. He sleeps a lot.
In the back ground I can hear Buffy crying on the last episode of Btvs S3. My sister, who got her tonsils and adenoids out yesterday is playing it in her room while she types on the computer in the den. Isn't she supposed to be asleep or something? And, I thought she wasn't going to be able to talk. Boy was I wrong! She can even talk loudly on her cell phone at 3 am - apparently the pain meds have acted like caffine. Whyyyyy? Really? She is also starting to look like she has a fever, which is bothering me. She may annoy me, but she's still my sister. She's also got a psycho tempter (just a side note).
The Fluffy Thing is back, and licking my elbow...
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