Because my old computer crashed over Easter I also had to buy a new version of Microsoft Office. Since I'm a student I was lucky enough to get it for a humane price.
Got to say, I'm loving it.
One of the coolest (though probably least helpful) features is the way the little line (What is that? A cursor? A toggle?) moves across the screen. It's...different. It's totally awesome.
The entire thing seems streamlined and I'm not sure I like that aesthetically, but I can definitely see the benefit in not being distracted by a thousand things (like Photoshop, which can be overwhelming it you end up opening up several features at once). I'm still figuring it out, and luckily it seems quite similar to the previous version of Word so I don't feel like I'm having to relearn the wheel (like the new printer at work which would better serve me if I'd been giving a tutorial/course on it).
I've changed my mind about MS Word. My last two papers didn't save. There's a link to nowhere. That's two papers I have to rewrite. Apparently I no longer know how to save a document.
New Word sucks.
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