Thank goodness for that! It really makes up for the dizziness and the bummy feelings and the wafting headaches.
I've been having a lot of dreams lately.
I've been having a lot of dreams lately.
I'll start with the most recent one (and this is totally the reason I take naps. I have absolutely awesome dreams when I only sleep for a couple of hours). My mother was driving me and my sister and herself to the Seminary for childcare, but we got there early and there was something odd in the parking lot. It was like a circus, but not quite, more like a few circus rejects and some kids with toys. The point is that she stops the car but decides that it would be problematic to stop now, so before I can get out she begins to drive again. She drives behind the Seminary onto this winding road and I ask her where we're going, we're going to be late for childcare. She says that we're early and we might as well go here for a little bit. We're surrounded by forest. We come out of the forest onto a beach. A beach I'd been to before. I said that we should get out and play around in the water for a bit. My mother wasn't so keen on that idea. That's when I realized I was wearing my long blue silk skirt. I opened the car door but she was driving into the water. Kids were playing. Out between two large and further down rocks we could see another beach, one that spread into the ocean. I think I was about to tell them that that was the rich people's beach. Well, the water was getting somewhat deep and I was worried about the engine flooding so I told my mother to drive to the right to get out of waves. She managed to back the car up into a deeper area before we came out and nearly flooded out the engine. Well, neither of us were in the best mood after that. She drove back to this picnic area because it was almost time for work to start. We hadn't driven that far so it shouldn't have been difficult to get back, but my mother drove around and wasn't able to find her way out. I was frustrated and she was frustrated. We got out of the car and I was about to suggest that we head toward the large painted exit sign and that I drive when a square between two trees went white with static, like a giant tv screen. My heart dropped into my feet. "oh no no no no no" I was thinking, as I began to turn in a circle. Other people were questioning what was going on as various areas between trees went white with static and then righted themselves, and suddenly I could see how the forest was only real a little way in (and I thought 'how could we have missed that all this time?'). I thought of the Trueman Show, and how this was frightening and rather cruel. I told my mother "we have to go, now." but then everything went dark. I woke in a room with a small television mounted to the wall next to the door. A door that wouldn't open. The screen came on and there was an alien. He was very thin and green and white. I thought he looked like Jim Carry. I thought that would explain a lot about Jim Carry. He said something about being stuck here, about choosing what we did, about people in other rooms (and I got the impression that they'd captured many people, and our cats). In the chair there was another screen and there was something on it about picking our pets. I think we were to pick how they were genetically manipulated. There were little screens in clothing drawers filled with my clothes. There were little screens everywhere, in ever drawer and shelf, but I had to look for them, they were hidden, ready to drop down. They wanted to participate or pick everything. Me, I planned to get out of there.
Earlier I had a dream that Dr. Who's ship had been captured by government agents. They were going to open it. Apparently he'd gotten the chameleon arch fixed because it looked like a big glowy dome
now, not a police box. So, it's in this giant bunker type government building with giant bay windows looking out from rooms above it. There's general, rather young man, more likely a bureaucrat than an actual military man, who's determined to open it, and the Doctor was there. He wanted his ship back. He began to type into the computer at a blinding speed, and symbols and and equation came up onto the screen, and behind them the swirl of the time vortex. "Ah, yes," said the government man, "the time equation. But men are of such weak wills." Meaning that someone without the will of a titan could not control the time vortex through an equation. Glaring, confident, and defiant all in one sweep the Doctor came up behind the man and, as he looked out at his captive ship, he said lowly; "I'm no weak willed man." And then the time vortex expanded and he was gone and his ship was dissapearing. I stood there, staring out at the vortex and the ship and realized I was Rose. "Yes!" I thought "I'm Rose, he won't leave me behind." But, I wasn't completely confident of that. Then there was a news report about an alien space ship having been parked in a parking lot, and how the government had taken it. There were pictures of the ship and people watching it. Bit conspiracy cover-up thing. Then I was with the taxidermist from Pushing Daisies and we were trying to escape from something and he directed me into this sewer system. But, it went far far below ground and opened into this underground, multi-level, maze with stairs and such. I ended up on a higher level than him and he was trying to find a way for me to get down, and then someone came and stacked these little blocks and showed him how it to do it.
Earlier than that I dreamed that the Taylons had gathered all the existing meteor freaks (that's Final Conflict and Smallville) into one room. They were going to make use of them. I was gathered as well, though I wasn't a meteor freak. I was part Taylon, though not much, certainly not half taylon like Liam. People started to go around and share their gifts in an odd rendition of a group th
therapy session. When it came to me I just sort of looked around and went to sit against the wall. A woman came and sat next to me and asked me "hey, aren't you going to talk about your power." I looked at her, incredulous, and said "My power is that I'm sometimes sort of a little bit psychic. Why would I talk about that? I'm a little bit psychic, I have the lamest superpower ever. No thank you, I'm not talking about it." Then she left and there was this guy sitting next to me, and another a few chairs down. He had a long nose and a British face (no chin). I thought he looked like a character. The guy next to me was playing with water, making it run in patterns over a book and his face, defy gravity. I thought it was fascinating and I asked him "can you drown?" I continued to ask whether he could turn into water or if water could hurt him as one would assume that someone who controlled fire couldn't be hurt by fire. As I was talking he choked and died. It turned out he'd choked on an ice cube.
Because I had been talking to him, and obviously imagining his death when he died, the people in the room were no longer comfortable around me. They also discovered somehow that I was at the battle of Canary Warf when all those people died, and I knew that I'd been wondering about an alien invasion then. So, it began to seem that my super power was accidentally causing people's deaths, a thought that was nearly as disconcerting to me as it was to the people in the room with me, who gave me a wide birth. Then my mother showed up and began to wash something in a kitchenet, talking about giving a ride home to a woman I used to work to, and how rude she was, and I confirmed that it was the woman's nature.
Earlier I had a dream that Dr. Who's ship had been captured by government agents. They were going to open it. Apparently he'd gotten the chameleon arch fixed because it looked like a big glowy dome
Earlier than that I dreamed that the Taylons had gathered all the existing meteor freaks (that's Final Conflict and Smallville) into one room. They were going to make use of them. I was gathered as well, though I wasn't a meteor freak. I was part Taylon, though not much, certainly not half taylon like Liam. People started to go around and share their gifts in an odd rendition of a group th
Because I had been talking to him, and obviously imagining his death when he died, the people in the room were no longer comfortable around me. They also discovered somehow that I was at the battle of Canary Warf when all those people died, and I knew that I'd been wondering about an alien invasion then. So, it began to seem that my super power was accidentally causing people's deaths, a thought that was nearly as disconcerting to me as it was to the people in the room with me, who gave me a wide birth. Then my mother showed up and began to wash something in a kitchenet, talking about giving a ride home to a woman I used to work to, and how rude she was, and I confirmed that it was the woman's nature.
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