Monday, January 9, 2012

And So It Begins

My first day back in college dawned bright an early. I was woken with a gasp as my dream reality decided I would be late to class. I was not late. I was suitably early.

It was beautiful feeling for January, it's too bad the trees are so ugly and leafless. I was able to get my student ID and find out what's holding up my financial aid.

My first class was lovely and encouraging. I felt much more mature than many of my classmates but not so much as to feel ostracized. I was pleasantly surprised by the lack of students in their pajamas or sweats and the university is much better than the impression I remember getting when I toured back when I was 18.

The Developmental Psychology teacher will let all wait listed students in, so that's wonderful. I also liked the way she talked, strait forward but choosing her words carefully. She emphasized how important it is to choose words (wise advice for me as I can be extraneously wordy), and also that you get what you expect. This is something I believe strongly as a teacher, and I find myself wondering if maybe I should expand that philosophy to other aspects of my life. She had some very lovely quotes, such as always/never being like curse words in her house, and "hate" being the h-word. I liked that. She is also interested in application of theory and that really perked me up. I remember a certain Sociology class at MSU which resulted in lots of thoughts about social problems and no solutions, and I remember my frustration of that. Plus, we get to do a service project!

The classes are significantly larger than any at another school I've attended but they're not the stadium-style classes I imagined, and the campus isn't impossible to traverse.

The second class, 3-D art is still in limbo. The teacher isn't taking extra students. However; one of the assigned students didn't show up. If he doesn't show up on Wednesday than I get his spot. I'll discuss that once I know whether or not I'm truly in it.

I spent some time at the BCM. It seemed nice enough, though smaller than the one at my old university, which surprises me. I talked with several people. Mostly about school and South Korea. Can I really talk about pursuing a grad degree when I might not be accepted into the program this year? I'm thinking of checking out the other faith ministries as well.

I bought some overpriced books, but that was to be expected, and wandered around a bit, had a good (loooooong) conversation with my friend in St. Louis.

I also met with my ESL employer and she gave me the books I'll need to teach and showed me around the school where I'll be teaching in the evenings and talked to me about allllll the paper work and did a little on-site training. It was good.

Caught a pizza for dinner and stuffed the rest in bags for food tomorrow. I've found all I have to do is get a veggie lover's and my siblings don't touch it. It's hilarious that they're that adverse to vegetables.

The only unfortunate things about today:
My mother's period started after more than two years without it and my father is looking like he will try to get medical retirement from the military. I worry for them, for my mother especially.  I have been in a lot of pain lately. It radiates out of my feet in the mornings and kind of covers my whole spine and hands. I'm a little worried that fibromyalgia is starting to onset. But then, maybe I'm just blowing it out of proportion.

Tomorrow I've got two more classes and I need to search out the library for studying. I also need to get an advisor, print off a few things, fix my financial aid form, get a parking pass, and find a Kinkos to scan my portfolio (T-minus one more day before my goal to turn it in). I should start studying and start looking through everything for teaching as work should start in 9 days.

Wow, yes, busy day. O.o What on earth am I doing?

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