The last several days (nearly a week) have been pretty chaotic.
I got a migraine over the weekend that reminded me why it is that migraines suck. I am one of those unfortunate souls who gets the "aura." This time it was mostly confused thinking, blurred vision, and nausea. good times...
I started teaching adult ESL yesterday and that went better than it could have gone. Just standing up in front of the class brought back a lot of skills and things that I had forgotten and I already feel more ready (readier?) for the next class. I think my students will be fun, and challenging. Challenging is good.
I signed up for volunteering with foreign born nationals (what most of the South would call "ferners") and feel very confident about that.
I worked at Godiva, fun times. And, it turns out that they can't find any cancer or disease in my mom. They don't know why her body is swelling up or putting pressure on her heart and lungs. But, the meds are probably giving her migraines. She's going to be tested for sleep apnea. I'll update as that goes on. What could be wrong with her that the doctors can't find? It's disconcerting. Where's House when you need him? Ha.
Art class has been going well. By far the class that feels the least like work. I actually finding myself putting it off because it's so much fun that I worry I'll just do that and not the other things I have to do. Then I end up staying up to all hours of the night because "just half an hour of drawing before bed" turns into three hours of drawing and brain melting exhaustion the next morning. Unfortunately that has also resulted in my being late for art class, twice. The teacher is very gracious but that's beside the point. My favorite class and I'm not being totally on the ball. This irritates me. I will need to readjust my thinking and schedule to make exception for sleepy morning slowness. We are doing a horror vacui drawing in which I am compiling pictures from South Korea (reinterpreting photos I took into graphite with the understanding that I am not drawing for mimicry) in increasingly smaller sections until I fill in all the little spaces with Korean words. We are also doing three line pictures, to practice line, and form.
I'm trying to figure out the time frame for everything because right now I go to class Monday through Friday, teach on Monday and Wednesday evenings, have church group on Thursday evenings, am supposed to volunteer at some point, studying and art and papers and participating in psych department experiments, prepare for lessons, clean room, do household necessities, visit friends, visit my mother at some point, work (increasingly as it gets closer to Valentines), and sleep. I've found that a big big deal is making lists and schedules. Yes, it takes time to make them, but it takes more time in wasted time when I don't make them. Am I also supposed to exercise every day? Because I don't know that I can fit that in...but I will see what I can do.
On that note, I'm learning all sorts of interesting things in my pysch classes. Whenever before have I wanted to soak up everything I'm learning? Well, when I was getting my CELTA, but I was also in crazy culture shock. This is the first time I've actually been able to pursue it without feeling like my head was going to fall off.
And for the record:
The Bachelor is offensive. Those poor, stupid, backstabbing, attention hungry people.
Graeter's Mint Chip ice cream is the best I've ever had. And I've been around the world.
Wendy's Apple Cranberry Chicken salad is awesome and has pretty much all food groups. It's awesome.
Sleep is good and I suspect the person who came up with the saying "you can sleep when you die" was mentally ill.
Waaaa. I could write pages about each thing I mentioned here and my thoughts on it and what I did and what I'm planning, but there's that time crunch I referred to. Going to study now.
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