Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Assurance is not Always Happiness

Second day of classes today, and it was certainly different than yesterday.
My 2-D class is being taught by a grad student who looks all of 23 and is, in fact, 40. Color me surprised. There were several students in the class who were in a similar situation to me, so that was encouraging. In addition, the work we're going to do in the class is interesting and unique and I look forward to really delving into that.

I also discovered the library and did some more exploring.

Introduction to Psychology was not so stimulating. In fact I suspect the professor was trying to scare people off. I happen to know psychology is very cool. She seemed to take issue with several things and I could hear her irritated voice in the class before mine. Being told I could not make a good grade without the "extra credit" was not encouraging. Developmental psychology seems far more appealing to me. However; the class is taught by three different professors so I only have to deal with her for a little while, and take her tests as she is the head instructor.

I've scheduled an advising appointment tomorrow but I feel the stress of not knowing quite how financial aid (or everything) is going to work out.

Went to FexEx to try and scan my portfolio but the scans were not pleasing. I bought two of them from my largest pieces but will probably end up just taking a photo and submitting those on a cd after cropping them. It has been hard to choose what to select as I've had no direction about the standards or goals of what the school would like to see and I've found it difficult to get the department head to respond to me. I only say this because I'm nervous, nervous that what I have is not what they want. My mother has encouraged me to submit my crafts, but cards and scrap-booking and ornaments and cotton bugs are crafts...they're not art. But, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I should be submitting those and by withholding them I'm ensuring that I don't get into the program. All that to say, it appears I won't be turning in my work on Wednesday, but on Thursday. The deadline being Friday. I actually feel sick to my stomach about it.

I find myself struggling around a goodly number of people and often irritated because of the ignorance surrounding me. I was sitting in the Baptist student building today and all these overweight, well fed, Iphone owning students were sitting around talking about ridiculousness and I couldn't help but feel that I was looking at children who should be adults and I was thinking of how this whole situation would be different if we were in a war torn country or a poor country and it bothered me how they just seem to take themselves and their lives for granted, they even complain about it. How does one deal with that?

I spent an unfortunate amount of time talking to people when I should have been working today, particularly with someone on the staff with the ... Episcopalians? An overtly gay boy (man? Can we call them men if they're still in their early 20's and without a direction?) who kept pulling at his crotch and picking his nose. It was quite a contrast to his intelligent speech. And, even though we talked for over an hour, it was enough to make me reconsider returning to talk again.

My mother is still being tested for ovarian cancer (and now for lung cancer as well)  and I can feel the weight of possibility like a limestone tied to my back. I am telling myself that is why I wake up sore every morning.

My hope for tomorrow is that I will get more accomplished. I also hope to be officially admitted into the 3-D class and that I can get a syllabus for the Developmental Psychology class.

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